Semiconductor Nanotechnology Lab

PI: Joonki Suh

Designing x integrating electronic materials to build next-generation nanoelectronics for intelligent information technologies

Nanotechnology image

van der Waals Semiconductors & Phase-Change Materials


Thin-film Synthetic Science


2D Nanoelectronics


Nonvolatile Memory for Neuromorphics


van der Waals Semiconductors & Phase-Change Materials 🎯 Thin-film Synthetic Science 🔬 2D Nanoelectronics 💯 Nonvolatile Memory for Neuromorphics 👌

Recent Group News

Current Research


van der Waals 2D materials
Phase-change chalcogenides
Defect physics & engineering


Atomically-thin transistor
Phase-change memory
Steep-slope switch


(MO)CVD of 2D materials
Atomic layer deposition
Monolithic integration


Synapse/neuron devices
Nonvolatile memory

Our Research is Proudly Supported by

NRF National Research Foundation of Korea Logo
US Air Force Office of Scientific Research Logo
Tokyo Electron Logo
UNiST Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology Logo
Joonki Suh Lab group photo at the UNIST campus with cherry blossom trees in the background

Meet Our Lab Members

The Joonki Suh Group started in July of 2019, and now it has a span of >15 graduate student researchers. Our goal is to train the next generation of scientists or engineers to tackle technological challenges in our society through different domains.

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Join Our Lab

We are accepting 2-3 highly motivated and talented graduate students every year!

All interested students must see how to reach out to us! 📨